
  • Decks and Patios icon

    Planning and Design

    We can help with designing your dream home and working with local planning authrities to make it real

  • Outdoor Spaces icon


    We have a great team of contractors, and can offer insurance backed warranty

  • Custom Additions icon


    Working with your Contractors and building control to make sure any project runs smoothly

  • Green Building icon


    We mainly operate in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Somerset. However please contact us if you have any questions

Ready to Build Your Vision?

We can help with the design and planning stage all the way through to the completion of your dreams. We can also provide insurance backed warranty to keep your mind at ease for the future

We are based in the heart of the Cotswolds and Working throughout Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Somerset

Call Andrew on 07956 405210